Main Features:
Typical Usage:
Storing records files on a
hard disk (Dialy Folder)
Call Center, Help desk,
Hospital, Fire Station
Auto backup to specific
Recording conference calls
Convert recordings to wave
files which can be playback in Media player
Recording instruction,
Clarification of Quantities and Specifications
Long-term recording
depending on hard disk space
Protection of staff from
abusive/difficult customers
Clear playback sound, no
influence on telephone line
Monitoring nuisance or
prank callers
Can be used on telephone
line (PSTN), extension line, conference phone,
inter-phone, doorphone, etc
Monitoring customer
Monitoring staff
Write down call logs such
as dial number and caller ID, support complex
inquiry indexed by date, time, dial number,
caller ID, call type, etc
Finacial Institution
Auto Report for call logs
Search by trunk or
extension number
Support voice playback on
Search by incoming or
outgoing call number
Robust design and simple
interface for fail-safe
Search by date or time of
Popup customer information
on the monitor of a PC on LAN or internet
Search by remark